Start Your Recovery Journey – Personalized Treatment Options Answer the questions to below to see if you need our help. Step 1 of 2 50% Do you feel that you need a drug or alcohol in order to function?(Required) Yes No Is it hard for you to control your drug or alcohol use?(Required) Yes No Have you ever lied about your use of drugs or drinking or hidden it from friends and family?(Required) Yes No Do you ever drink alcohol or use drugs by yourself?(Required) Yes No Do you use drugs or alcohol to cope with your feelings or to avoid dealing with the problems in your life?(Required) Yes No Does your drug or alcohol use ever cause you to feel guilty, worried, trapped, lonely, sad, depressed, paranoid, or hopeless about the future?(Required) Yes No Does your drug or alcohol use ever cause you to have difficulty paying attention at work, school, or home?(Required) Yes No Have your loved ones ever complained that your drug or alcohol use is damaging your relationship with them or do they criticize you for it?(Required) Yes No Have you ever ended up in the hospital or jail after using drugs?(Required) Yes No If you stop using drugs or alcohol, do you get sick or have anxiety?(Required) Yes No We can help. Based on the answers provided, we believe we can help you on this journey of recovery. Please provide your contact information below so we can reach out to setup a consultation.Person Seeking Treatment(Required)Phone(Required)Email(Required) EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.