Detox Process

The alcohol detox and drug detox process is different for every person, every addiction, and every substance. At Touchstone Recovery Center we have specialized medical staff working with our clients — and unlike many detox clinics, we offer holistic treatment to care for the whole person and their family. If you search for “free detox centers near me” you may find generic facilities that only offer a safe space to withdraw from substances; however, our full spectrum of evidence-based treatment is different from just a detox clinic. We offer:
- Medical detox under the care of a doctor or medical staff to make withdrawal symptoms more manageable, comfortable, and safe. Certain drugs can have dangerous, life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, so supervised detox can be necessary for safety.
- Phased approach to taper off withdrawal medications after inpatient discharge
- Symptom management due to the physical addiction where the brain has to adjust to the drop in chemicals from the substance used
- A range of therapies, beyond just removing harmful substances from the body, that treat the mind and body
- Personalized treatment according to the client’s needs, ensuring that they are physically stable before addressing the psychological impacts
- 24/7 care
What to expect during detox
We meet our clients where they are in their journey and every step is personalized — judgment free. In addition to compassion and community, one of the biggest benefits of our treatment facility is that it’s small; there’s only 6 beds per facility and the staff to client ratio is almost 1 to 1. You can expect to detox in a comfortable space with clean towels and linens, and a full pantry with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Insurance and Affordability
It’s important to know that as an in-network provider, we bill insurance for treatment, so out-of-pocket costs are kept to a minimum.
Detox is the first step before treatment. If you need more information on what to expect, call 559-298-6711.